



Welcome the visit of Prof. Shinnosuke Obi from the Keio University, Japan.

Welcome the group visit of Prof. Ming-Tsung, Tseng from the Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University, to start the fMRI cooperation project.


Welcome the visit of Editor of Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Prof. Detlef Lohse (Netherland, University of Twente) in 26th ~ 30th October, 2014.
He'll give two speeches:
(1) Floating in the air (14:20 2014.10.27, at the International Conference Hall in National Taiwan University Institute of Applied Mechanics)
(2) Lifetime of surface nanobubbles and surface nanodroplets

Congratulations to Shuo-Ting, Chien for his finishing master’s thesis. Best wishes to his military service.


Congratulations to Prof. An-Bang Wang for his serving as Vice President in the International Society of Coating Science and Technology (ISCST).

Welcome Mr. Chung-Hao Wang's join in our lab.


Welcome Prof. Alexander Korobkin and Dr. Richard Purvis from the University of East Anglia, UK to visit us for a week (2014.8.30-9.06),
for the Royal Society and NSC international exchange project: Splashing on flexible substrate -- a basic study.

Congratulations to Miss Ying-Chi Hsu for her passing master’s thesis oral defense with excellent grade. May she have a brightest career in the future.

Welcome the return of Ph. D student, Mr. Pei-Hsun Tsai after finishing his one-year European exchange program in The Netherlands and Poland.

Welcome the join of Dr. Chao-Yuan Liu and Mr. Ta-Ju Sun to our lab for research.

The Summer Camp 2014 would be hold the period of 2014.08.01~2014.08.03 together with Prof. Chia-Lung Kuo’s lab
from the department of mechanical engineering, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology.
All lab members are sincerely welcome to join and enjoy it.


Prof. Patrice Baldeck from Université Joseph FOURIER (Grenoble, France) will visit our lab and gave a speech at R206 at 11:00 on 24th July.
The title of his talk will be: "3D printing based on two photon-induced photo chemistry". You are welcome to attend this talk.

Welcome the visit of Ex-president of the International Society of Coating Science and Technology, Dr. F. Miguel Joos to our lab.
He'll give a speech at R400 at 14:00 on 2014.07.10 about "Method of slot coating thin films of low viscosity". You are welcome to join his talk.

Congratulations to the issue of Taiwan patent “Liquid fixed quantity and mixed device and method”.


Welcome the visit of Dr. Z. Travnicek and Ph. D student Zuzana Broukova from Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
for the Czech-Taiwanese Joint Research Project. Zuzana Broukova would stay 5 weeks, from 2014.06.27 to 2014.07.25,
for the study of Nonisothermal synthetic jets and hybrid synthetic jets .

Welcome the visit of Prof. Huihe Qiu and two of his students from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to our lab.

Welcome the join of new lab members of Ph. D student Chao-Hsien Kuo, Master students Chien-Wei Tseng and Yu-Feng Chen to our lab for research.

Congratulations to the issue of the US patent “MEMBRANE MICROPUMP.” (Patent No. US 8690550 B2).

Congratulations to Yu-Wen Hsieh for his winning of the distinguished paper award in 2014 SID International Symposium (SID2014, San Diego, USA).


Welcome the visit of Prof. Carlos Tiu (Monash University, Australia) to our lab.

Best wishes to Dr. Yi-Kuang Yen and Master Student Shu-hung Lai for presenting their research works
in The 6th Asian Coating Workshop (ACW 2014) in Kobe, Japan.


Congratulations to Dr. Yi-Kuang Yen's work of "Western blotting by thin-film direct coating" published in Analytical Chemistry.


Congratulations to Yu-Wen Hsieh for his paper
"Development of a Novel Pattern-Coating Technology : Air-Bubble Coating for the Manufacture of OLED Devices"
was selected as the Distinguished Paper of the 2014 SID International Symposium.

Congratulations to the grant of international cooperation project
“The producing splash between the elastic surfaces and drop impact” by the Royal Society UK.

Welcome the visit of Prof. Zhijian Shen from the Department of Material and Environmental Engineering, Stockholms universitet.
He'll give a talk about “3D printing: printing what and how to print?” in room 402 at 17:30 on March 3rd. All members are welcome.


To celebrate Chinese lunar New Year, We'll taste some sake in the meeting time at 15:00 on Feb. 7th. All members are welcome.


Congratulations to Wen-Yun Tu for his work of "Laminar vortex shedding behind a cooled circular cylinder"
published in Experiments in Fluids.

Congratulation to Shu-Shen Hsu for the grant of Czech Republic Patent of his hybrid synthetic jet device.



Welcome the visit of Tyson Bioresearch Inc. to our lab about the possible cooperation.

Congratulations to the marriage of lab couple Dr. Yi-Chun Lin and Yi-Hung Wu on Dec. 29th. Best wishes in love!

Congratulations to the marriage of Yen-Chin Chen (with Yi-Chien Chiang) on Dec. 28th. May they always be in love!

Congratulations to the marriage of the lab couple Yi-Hua Wang and Ming-Che Hsieh after 7 years love.
All labmembers are invited to come on Dec. 20th. May they always be in love!

Welcome the visit of Prof. Piotr Garstecki from Polish Academy of Sciences
He'll give a speech of "Droplet microfluidic tools for microbiology and biochemistry" at 14:30 on 102.12.04, in R400.

Welcome the visit of Dr. Jan Guzowski and Dr. PiotrKorczyk from Polish Academy of Sciences for the NSC PPP exchange project.


Congratulations to the marriage of Yi-Wei Lin (with Yu-Fen Chiang) on Nov. 30th. May they always be in love!

Welcome the visit of Dr. Zdenek Travnicek from Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
He'll give a speech about "Formation criterion for synthetic jets" at R402 at 12:30 on 102.11.26. Welcome to join the talk!


Congratulations to the marriage of lab member, Prof. Ming-Hsun Wu, married with Hui-Wen Chen on Oct. 20th. May they always be in love!

Welcome the visit of Dr. Michinao Hashimoto to our lab. He'll give a speech about
"Generation and Applications of Bubbles and Droplets in Microfluidic Systems" in room 400 at 10:30 on 102.10.17.


Congratulations to Chen-Chi Kuan and Pei-Hsun Tsai for the publication of their research work
"Do we understand the large bubble formed by a single drop impacting upon liquid surface? " in Physics of Fluids, 25, 101702 (2013).


Prof. An-Bang, Wang, Yu-Wen, Hsieh, Pei-Hsun, Tsai and Ming-Che Hsieh were invited by Prof. D. Lohse to visit University of Twent in Netherland
and also by Prof. P. Garstecki to Polish Academy of Sciences for International Exchange and making speeches.

Congratulations to Shu-Shen, Hsu for his research work "Comparison of double-acting and single-acting synthetic jet" had been published
in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 203, pp. 291-299.

Welcome Prof. Ming Whei Yu from Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University to visit our lab.


Welcome the join of International Intern Manuel Himmelsbach (from Hochschule Offenburg, Germany) for practice of 2013 DAAD Summer Institute Program in our lab for two months.

Welcome the join of International Intern students Ya-Chiao Teng (from Zhejiang University, China) and Fei-Hsiang Wang (from Wuhan University of Technology, China) for the 2013 NTU Summer+ in our lab.

We are looking for a Master level Research Assistant who has Numerical Analysis background. Please contact Dr. Yi-Kuang Yen (02-33665651 or e-mail: [email protected])

Welcome the join of Research Assistant Tzu-Ling Chen to our lab.


Prof. An-Bang, Wang was invited to give a talk in "Mathematics of Splashing Workshop" in Edinburgh, England.

Prof. An-Bang was invited by Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic to make a speech for future collaboration.


Congratulations to Chih-Cheng Huang and Pei-Hsun Tsai to publish paper in the 12th Asia Visualization Symposium.

Welcome the visit of Machine Tool & Accessory Magazine for the interview of Prof. An-Bang, Wang. (see also Machine Tool & Accessory Magazine P.58-60, May 2014 NO.50.)

Congratulations to Dr. Yi-Kuang Yen, Research Assistant Po-Ting Pan and Student Yu-Wen Hsieh to publish their works in
the 5th Asia Coating Workshop in Seoul, Korea.

Congratulations to Prof. An-Bang Wang that he was elected be a Distinguished Professor of Engineering in Constitution of the Chinese Institute of Engineers of this year (2014).


Congratulations to Pei-Hsun Tsai having got the scholarship from Central Europe Visegrad for visiting Polish Academy of Sciences (for ten months).

Congratulations to the granted Japan patent “MICRO PATCH COATING DEVICE AND METHOD”.

Welcome the visit of R&D Director Jui-Chung Chou from Darfon Corporation to our lab.

Welcome the cooperation contract of ITRI MCL with our lab for development of new ceramic coating technology.


The year reunion party (sponsored by Prof. An-Bang Wang) will be held in 1F Rainbow Terrace the Atrium, Taipei Howard Hotels at 11:45 on Mar. 24th. All lab members are welcome.

The representative acceptance speech for the 9th Ceremony of HIWIN TECHNOLOGY AWARDS will be given by Prof. An-Bang Wang (錄影影片).
The related Reports: MACHANICAL TECH MAGAZINE 03-26, China Times 04-11; Yahoo! NEWS 04-11; 【工學院簡訊】第150期; NTU NEWSLETTER No. 1137

The 9th Ceremony of HIWIN TECHNOLOGY AWARDS will be held at 13:30-16:30 on 3/23 (CPC Corporation Building, Taiwan). All lab members are welcome to attend the ceremony.

Welcome the visit of the R&D department manager Pao-Yuan Li from Zhen Ding Tech. to our lab.


The video for the 9th Ceremony of HIWIN TECHNOLOGY AWARDS will be recorded at 9:00-11:00 on 2/26, please attend on time.

Congratulations to Ph. D student Petr Novotný from Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic,
who has won the Visegrad scholarship and joined our lab for dual-degree-Ph. D study.


Congratulations to Prof. An-Bang Wang and lab member Yu-Ju Liu won the 9th HIWIN Master Thesis Award and NTD$ 1,000,000.
The related Reports: MACHANICAL TECH MAGAZINE 01-22;China Times 02-07



Felicitations to TOPPAN CFI who had signed the contract with our lab about New Slot-Die Coating technological transformation.

Dr. Sławomir Jakieła, Tomasz Szymborski and Tomasz Kaminski from the Polish Academy of Sciences had visited our lab for a week.


Shu-Shen, Hsu, member in our lab had joined the Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2012, Nov 20-23, 2012, Hradec Králové (Czech Republic) and published thesis and gained a lot.

Dr. V. Ledl from Institute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and Prof. T. Vit from Liberec University of Technology had visited our lab.


Felicitations to Dr. Yi-Chun, Lin on her 2nd Ph.D Thesis Award in HIWIN TECHNOLOGIES CORP and got bonus RMB 100,000.

Felicitations to Dr. Yi-Kuan, Yen who already had a son, Chih-Chieh, Yen.


Prof. K. Fukagata & Prof. K. Ando from Keio University Prof. S. Obi, Japan had brought 40 people to visit our lab.

Research Assistant Po-Ting, Pan had joined our lab.


Student Jeannette Meuser and Tobias Glasenapp had joined 2012 NSC/DAAD Summer Institute Program and practiced in our lab for two months.

Dr. Yi-Kuan, Yen had joined the research about the “高效能微流體傳輸系統及其可應用性之研究”.


Felicitations to Chao-Chieh, Chien on his great master thesis and high grades in oral defense. May he have a bright future.

Yi, Liu from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Hsiao-His, Kan from Fudan University had joined the 2012 summer term culture courses in our lab.

Congratulations! Europe patent “MICRO PATCH COATING DEVICE AND METHOD” was publicly issued.

Felicitations to Yiu-Ju, Liu on her great master thesis and high grades in oral defense. May she have a bright future.

Prof. An-Bang, Wang, Yu-Wen, Hsieh and Pei-Hsun, Tsai had visited the Polish Academy of Sciences and gained a lot.


Congratulations! US patent “Device for Adjusting Temperature and Humidity Using Wind Power” was publicly issued.

Po, YI and Jung-Hsuan, Chen in our lab had fallen in love for 11 years and already married on Jun. 24th. May the couples always be in love!

Felicitations to Pei-Hsun, Tsai who had joined 15th International Symposium on Flow Visualization,June 25-28, 2012, Minsk, Belarus for publishing thesis and gained a lot.

Felicitations to our lab’s thesis Unveiling the Missing Transport Mechanism inside the Valveless Micropump which had been accepted and published on the well-known international periodical journal Lab On A Chip.

Felicitations to AU Optronics Corporation(AUO)and our lab on our research program had passed.


Our lab hosted, ISCST, ITRI, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan CTA, Taiwan Smart Living Space Association and NTU vice-hosted the 4th ACW2012 (2012/5/7 ~ 5/9) had ended in a satisfactory.


Felicitations to Prof. An-Bang, Wang who had been invited to have a speech in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Felicitations to Ming-Che, Hsieh who had joined 2012 Taiwan Thermal Management Association published thesis and gained a lot.


Congratulations! US patent “Capillarycoatingdevicesandmethods” was publicly issued. (US20100047452A1)

Director Hu, Wan-Hsiung, manager Cheng, Hung-Yi, and Dr. Hsieh, Sung-Nien (from TOPPAN CFI.) were welcomed to visit our lab.

Congratulations! ROC patent “Integrated electrophoresis device and operation thereof” was publicly issued. (Patent No. I 358539)

Vice manager Chen, Chih-Lei and Mr. Chen, Peng-Yu (from AU Optronics Corp.) were welcomed to visit our lab.

Manager Tsai, Lun and Mr. Hsin, Meng-Hung (from AU Optronics Corp.) were welcomed to visit our lab.


Congratulations! Korea patent “Micro patch coating device and method” was publicly issued. (Patent No. 10-1091230)


Congratulations! The application of Project-based Personnel Exchange Program with Poland “On the mechanism and control of bubble/droplet formation in microchannels” (2012-2013) was accepted by NSC.

Congratulations! “Strouhal-Reynolds Number Relationship for Oblique Vortex Shedding Behind a Heated Circular Cylinder in Laminar Wake Regime” was published in Physics of Fluids.

Congratulations! US patent “Double-acting device for generating synthetic jets” was publicly issued. (US7984751B2)



Welcome to participate in The 4th Asian Coating Workshop, ACW2012 (2012/5/7 – 5/9), organized by our lab and supported by ISCST, NSC, ITRI, CTA, Smart LISA, and NTU.

Congratulations! Prof. Wang, An-Bang and Liu, Han-Renwere safe and gained a lot through the presentation and participation in The 6th Taiwan-Japan Workshop on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in Hokkaido University, Japan.


Congratulations! Lin, I-Chun got the 3rd place of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers Doctoral Thesis Award in 2011.


Ph.D. students Chen, Hsiao-Tan and Wang, Pin (from The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology) were welcomed to visit our lab.


Congratulations! ROC patent “Capillarycoatingdevicesandmethods” was publicly issued. (Patent No. I 347863)

Director Pai, Fa-Yao, chief engineer Teng, Sheng-Shan, chief analyst Chang, Yen-Chuan, and four colleagues (from Delta Electronics, Inc.) were welcomed to visit our lab.


Congratulations! Fang, Po-Hsuan got 1st place award in thesis presentation competition in 2011 Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology. “Topic: Design and Investigation of Capillary-Gravitational Valve in an Integrated Urine-Chip for Creatinine Detection”

Welcome to enroll in the most challenging multidisciplinarycourse“Lab-On-a-Chip: Applications & Design” organized by College of Medicine, Engineering, and Life Science in 2011.

Chief technology officer Liang, Rong-Chang (from Delta Electronics, Inc.), vice president Liu, Chung-Ming (from ITRI), director Chen, Chang-Lin (from ITRI), Prof. Chen, Chao-Kuang, Prof. Liu, Ta-Jo, Prof. Chiu, Wen-Ying, Prof. Hsieh, Kuo-Huang, and Prof. Li, Shih-Kuang were welcomed to be doctoral thesis oral defense committee members. Congratulations to Lin, I-Chun on her pass of doctoral thesis oral defense with high grades. We hope her have a bright future.

The 20thanniversaryparty of Advanced Thermal Science and Flow Control Lab will be held in R400, IAM, NTU at 14:00-20:00 on August 27th, 2011. We sincerely welcome all lab members to join us and celebrate.


Congratulations! Fang, Po-Hsuan passed her master’s thesis oral defense with high grades. We hope her have a bright future.

Director Tsao, Chung-Ya and manager Lin, Chien-Chi (from Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd.) were welcomed to visit our lab.

Congratulations! “Effective Pressure and Bubble Generation in a Microfluidic T-junction” was published in Lab On A Chip.

We hope Prof. Wang, An-Bang, Lin, I-Chun, and Hsieh, Yu-Wen are safe and gain a lot through the presentation and participation in The 3rd Asian Coating Workshop in Kitakyushu, Japan.


Dr. Kao, Chi-Lin (vice manager of Four Pillars Enterprise Co., LTD.) and Dr. Chuang, Hsiao-Ken (research vice manager of Tex Year Industries Inc.) were welcomed to be master’s thesis oral defense committee members. Congratulations to Wu, Yi-Hung on his pass of master’s thesis oral defense. We hope him have a bright future.

We hope Prof. Wang, An-Bang and Hsieh, Ming-Che are safe and gain a lot through the presentation and participation in The 11thAsian Symposium on Visualization in Niigata, Japan and invited speech in Seoul National University in Korea.


Ph.D. student Lin, Tzu-Yaowas welcomed to join our lab.

Congratulations on the birth of Chen, Chia-Chih’swonderful baby boy (Ching-Lin).


Congratulations! Pan, Po-Ting got married (to Miss Lu, Ya-Li) on April4th.


Chien, Shuo-Tingwas welcomed to join our lab.

Dr. Z. Travnicek (from Czech Academy of Sciences) was welcomed to visit our lab.

Congratulations! The application of “The research of insulating high heat transfer coefficientmaterial” was accepted by Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology.


Director Tuan, Wei-Hsin and manager Su, Chi-Lieh (from Division of Industrial-Academic Cooperation, Office of Research and Development, National Taiwan University) were welcomed to visit our lab.


Congratulations! The application of 3 years NSC, Taiwan –ASCR, Czech Republic Joint Research Program“The research of thermoacoustic engine and its miniaturization” (2011-2013) was accepted.



Lai, Shu-Hung and Hsu, Ying-Chi were welcomed to join our lab.

Prof. Yen, Chen-Tung was welcomed to visit our lab and discuss for further cooperation.


Congratulations! Pan, Po-Ting and Hsu, Shu-Shen got Merit Award in the 9th virtual instrument thesis competition organized by National Instrument in 2010. “Topic: Capillary Coating Control System”

Congratulations! Kuan, Chen-Chi and Tsai, Pei-Hsun got Merit Award in thermal fluids thesis competition in The 34th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2010. “Topic:Evolution of V-d Diagram with Oscillation Effect for Large Bubble Formation”

Congratulations! “A Novel DNA Selection and Direct Extraction (SDE) Process and its Application in DNA recombination”, results from the course “Introduction to Lab-On-a-Chip” instructed by Prof. Wang, An-Bang, was published inELECTROPHORESIS.

Congratulations! US patent “Micro patch coating device and method” was publicly issued. (US7824736B2)


Dr. Kuo, Yang-Kuo and chief engineer Liu, Kuo-Hsiung (from Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology) were welcomed to visit our lab and discuss for further cooperation.

Congratulations! Chen, Yen-Chih got the 3rd place award inthesis award competition in 2010 The International Conference on Green Technologies (ICGT 2010). “Topic: Experimental study on stack performance in Thermoacoustic engine”

Academician Ho, Chih-Ming was welcomed to visit our lab.


Supervisor Wang, Chin-Peng and engineer Chen, Hsin-Liang (from Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology) were welcomed to visit our lab and discuss for further cooperation.

Congratulations! Our lab participated in the 2010 Biotech R&D Outcome Presentation organized by NHRI, Academia Sinica, and NTU and ended up with fruitful results. News: United Evening News (9/16); Liberty Times (9/17); Central News Agency; Merit Times; United Evening News (9/21).

We hope Lin, I-Chun is safe and gains a lot through the presentation and participation in The 15th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium (ISCST) in St. Paul, USA.

Chen, Chao-Chieh and Liu, Han-Ren were welcomed to join our lab.


Congratulations! Migrant bird Jeffrey Liu finished the 2010 NSC migrant bird project with fruitful results and got the 3rd place award in engineering field in the achievement conference.


Congratulations! Master student Tsai, Pei-Hsunwas promoted as a Ph.D. student directly and joined our lab again.

Congratulations! Kuan, Chen-Chi, Pan, Po-Ting, Chen, Yen-Chih, Lin, Yi-Wei, and Tsai, Wen-Huipassed their master’s thesis oral defense with high grades. We hope them have bright futures.

Jeffrey Liu (from University of Michigan, USA) was welcomed to join our lab through NSC migrant bird project in 2010.

Lab tourism to Penghu will be held on August 3rd to 5th. We welcome all lab members to join us. (contact: 33665253 Tsai, Pei-Hsun or 33665650 Hsieh, Ming-Che)


We hope Hsieh, Yu-Wen and Pan, Po-Ting are safe and gain a lot through the presentation and participation in The 2nd Asian Coating Workshop in Seoul, Korea.

Congratulations on the birth of Lu, Fei-Yao’s wonderful baby girl.


Congratulations! Senior high school studentsWang, Tien-Cheng, Wang, Tzu-Chien, Lin, Shu-Lei, Lin, Chung-Yen (from Taipei Municipal Heping High School) got 1st placeaward in Taipei high school student scientific competition. “Topic: fluid dynamics underwater”

Dr. Ken Chung, ex-president of Trillion Science Inc., was welcomed to visit our lab.

Prof. Wang, An-Bang was interviewed by Machine Tool & Accessory Magazine. (Machine Tool & Accessory Magazine2010.05 No.20, pp.62-63)


Congratulations! Hsieh, Ming-Che passed the qualifying examination with top grades and started his Ph.D. degree course in our institute.

Commercial Times 2010/4/8; News related to Hiwin Thesis Award. News (text only) about our lab in NTU newspaper vol. 1002 (with photos).


Prof. Wang, An-Bang’s acceptance speech for The 6thHiwin Thesis Award.


HIWIN Technologies Corp. was welcomed to interview our lab.


Hsu, Shu-Shen’s parents were welcomed to visit our lab.



Congratulations! Hsieh, Ming-Che and Prof. Wang, An-Bang got the 1st place of The 6thHiwin Thesis Award and 1,000,000 NTD prize.

Congratulations! China patent “Micro patch coating device and method” was publicly issued. (ZL 2007 1 0080096.7)

Our lab was invited to publish “Introduction of precision micro-patterning coating technology” in Industrial Materials Magazine. (Industrial Materials Magazine2009/12, Vol. 276, pp. 91-98)


She, De-Lin was welcomed to join our lab.

Ph.D. student Jan Kordik (from Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech University of Science andTechnology) was welcomed to join our lab through personnel exchange for 1 month.

Dr. Z. Travnicek, Prof. T. Vit, Prof. J. Unger, V. Ledl, and J. Kordik (from Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech University of Science andTechnology) were welcomed to visit our lab.

We hope Hsieh, Yu-Wen and Hsu, Shu-Shen are safe and gain a lot through the personnel exchange to Czech Republic for 1 week.


Congratulations on the births of Chiu, Hung-Nien’swonderful baby boy and Chen, Chia-Chih’s wonderful baby girl.


Thanks director Su, Hsiao-Nung, vice director Tuan, An-Hua, manager Tsai, Wen-Chou for their enthusiastic reception to six of our lab members for visiting Achem Technology Corporation.


Vice manager Chiu, Wan-Wen and Lu, Chih-Ping (from Display Technology Center, ITRI) were welcomed to visit our lab and discuss for further cooperation.

Thanks manager Lo, Jo-Fan, director Huang, Yuan-Tsai, manager Lin, Yung-Chih for their enthusiastic reception to four of our lab members for visiting Asia Metal Corp.

Dr. Liu, Chun-Kai (from Electronics and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories, ITRI) and three colleagues were welcomed to visit our lab and discuss for further cooperation.

Huang, Chih-Yung, assistant professorof Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National TsingHua University, was welcomed to visit our lab and discuss for further cooperation.

Tsai, Wan-Sheng, Directorof Penghu Marine Biology Research Center, was welcomed to visit our lab.

Congratulations! Master student Hsieh, Yu-Wen was promoted as a Ph.D. student directly with top grades.


Dr.Li,Yu-Cheng and vice managerChiu, Wan-Wen (from Display Technology Center, ITRI) were welcomed to visit our lab.

Congratulations! NSC 50thanniversary– image display technology education program to Hualien was finished with success.


Frank Lin (from UIUC, USA) was welcomed to join our lab through NSC migrant bird project in 2009.

Deputy supervisorChou,Da-Hsin and researcher Chen, Lai-Yi (from Mechanical and Systems Research Laboratories, ITRI)were welcomed to visitour lab.


Congratulations! US patent “Double-acting device for generating synthetic jets” was publicly issued. (US7527086B2)


Prof. Satish Kumar was invited to visit our institute and give an invited speech “Molecular and Continuum Modeling of Interfacial Dynamics: Insights into Polyelectrolyte Adsorption and High-Speed Printing” in Conference Room (R400) at 2:00 p.m. on April 29th.


Congratulations! Lu, Fei-Yao got married (to Miss Ho, Chia-Hsien from Macao) on March1st.

Jan Pech, Ph.D. students of Czech Academy of Sciences and Czech University of Science andTechnology, was welcomed to visit and join our lab for three months.


Congratulations! Hsieh, Yu-Wen got the scholarship from Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University in 2008.

Congratulations! Lin, I-Chun was selected as an Outstanding Youth of National Taiwan University in 2009.(NTU newspaper vol. 954)


Congratulations! Ivo Stachiv finished his education and got the Ph.D. degree of NTU.



Congratulations! US patent and ROC patent “Accurate vortex flowmeter” werepublicly issued.

Congratulations! Cheng, Chia-Wei, Lin, I-Chun, Pan, Po-Ting, Kuan, Chen-Chi, Chen, Yen-Chih, and Lin, Yi-Wei got 1st place award in thesis presentation competition in 2008 Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology. “Topic: the research of DNA recombination chip”


Congratulations! Lu, Fei-Yao, Lin, I-Chun, Chen, Shih-Shen, Pan, Po-Ting, Chen, Yen-Chih, Lin, Yi-Wei, Kuan, Chen-Chi, and Chang, Chih-Ning got Merit Award in the 7th virtual instrument thesis competition organized by National Instrument in 2008. “Topic: application of machine vision for pattern recognition on DNA recombination chip”

Congratulations! Hsieh, Ming-Che and Tsai, Wen-Hui got 2nd place award inthermal fluids thesis competition in The 32th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2008. “Topic: the working mechanism of piezoelectricvalvelessmicropump and the research of diffuser”

Fang, Po-Hsuan and Liu, Yu-Ju were welcomed to join our lab.

Congratulations! Prof. Wang, An-Bang was given a certificate of appreciation from Ministry of Education for his great effortsas a convener of “National Education Program on Image Display” during 2004-2008.

Congratulations! Undergraduate student Hsiao, Yu-Chen passed the qualifying examination and entered the graduate school of NTU.


Ph.D. studentsPetra Dancovaand Jan Pech (fromCzech Academy of Sciences and Czech University of Science andTechnology) were welcomed to visit our lab.

Congratulations!Senior high school student Wu, Chun-Ling (from Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School) got 1st placeaward in Taipei high school student scientific competitionand got 3rd place award in National high school student scientific competition in 2008. “Topic: the fluid dynamics around the buildings”

Tetuko Kurniawan and Tsai, Pei-Hsun were welcomed to join our lab.


We hope Hsu, Shu-Shen and Chen, Yen-Chihare safe and gain a lot through the personnel exchange to Czech Academy of Science.

Congratulations! Lin, I-Chun published “Development of a high-speed pattern-coating technology: ‘Air-Bubble Coating’” in the 14th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium (ISCST) and attracted high attentions.


Congratulation! Hsieh, Yu-wei got undergraduate project award by NSC on 2007.


Congratulation! Chiu, Hung-Nien just married on July 13th.


Welcome Hung, Li-ting join migrant birds project in 2008.


Congratulation! Laboratory was invited publication part of the research results at bi-monthly National Taiwan University Alumni.


To mourn! Our friend Dr. Ina & Polang Wang passed away in Spardorf, Erlangen.


Welcome Hsieh, Yu-wei, Tsai, Hui-wei, Wu, Yeh-hung join our lab.


Welcome HIWIN Technologies Corp visited our lab.


Welcome Kent State University Prof. Chien, Liang-chi visited our lab.



Welcome graduated student, Chang, Yen-chung and Yuan, Chih-ming came back to our lab.

Congratulation! Hung, Wei-tsung won Mechanic thesis award of HIWIN Technologies Corp.

Welcome Sipix research vice-manager Dr. R. Sprague visited in NTU-IAM.


Congratulation! The thesis of Kuan, Chen-Chi, Hung, Wei-tsung, Shih, Hsing-hung, Quantitative Tracking Analysis of Sequential Eventsof Drop Dynamics published on 2007 11th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia (ILASS-Asia 2007) .

Welcome consultant of Princeton Technology Crop, Lin, Yen-tseng visited our lab.

Congratulation! Undergraduate student Hsieh, Yu-wei and Wung, Chia-cheng join our lab.


Congratulation! Senior high school student Tao, Chiau-yu awards 1st prize high school students to scientific research program in Taipei, 2007. "Topic: the effect of fluid dynamics near the pyramids"

Welcome former director of the Institute of Thermodynamics of Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech University of Science and Technology Prof. F. Marsik and Dr. Z. Travnicek visited our lab.


Congratulation! Student Lin, I-Chun's thesis "A new high-speed patterning technology: 'Air-Bubble Coating' " published at fifth OEC(Organic Electronics Conference and Exhibition) in 2007.


Congratulation! Wu, Ming-shun teaches in Department Of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University. (TEL: 06-2757575 x 62241)


Congratulation! Student Lin, I-Chun's thesis "Generation of micro-two-phase-flow for “Air-Bubble Coating” " published at ICMF(International Conference on Multiphase Flow) in 2007.

Welcome to join Flexible Electronics of Multi-field teacher training program, 2007. Please call 02-33665067 Ms. Yeh.


Congratulation! Two thesis of Hung, Wei-tsung, Shih, Hsing-hung, Kuan, Chen-Chi "Bubble Induced by Free Falling Drop" and "Further Study of Sound Generation by Drop Impact" published in 2007 9th Asian Symposium on Visualization.

Congratulation! Lin, I-Chun、Wang, Yi-hua, Hsu, Shu-Shen 、Chiang, Chun-Liang 、Shieh, Ming-Che 1st CHI MEI Award, 2007.

Congratulation! Formal assistant Chen, Chia-chih married on June 9th.

Congratulation! The thesis of Wu, Ming-shun「On the transitional wake behind a heated circular cylinder」published on Physics of Fluids ,19, 084102 (2007)


Congratulation! MS student Chou, Hung-Nien join our lab.


Congratulation! Published「On the effective temperature concept in the problem of laminar vortex shedding behind a heated circular cylinder」, Physics of Fluids , (2007), 19, 051701.

Welcome vice manger of ITRI Tsia, Yu-shen and PO vice manager of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Wu, Yao-hui visited our lab.

Welcome ITRI Flexible Electronics vice systemic team leader Prof. Tsia, chin-chin visited our lab.

Welcome chairman Yu, Tung-hsi of University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Sun, Ching-ping, Chiau, Hui-ho、Wu, Ching-shen, Prof. Leng Yang visited our lab.


Welcome Keio University international manager Sinnosuke Obi.


Congratulation! Published 「Non-equilibrium solidification of the molten metal droplets impacting on a solid surface」, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (2007) 2463–2468.